Awesome Creatures, Awesome God

I’m not really a “horse person,” if you know what I mean, but I love to see a fast horse run. Or a graceful horse dance in dressage. Even in our day, when humans no longer rely on the horse as in past centuries, we’re still fascinated with them.

To watch a horse race all-out inspires awe.

Raw power, speed, and tenacity, with fluid rhythm and natural grace. Maybe it’s just me, but I can’t help standing in wonder.

I think the reason horses hold such fascination for humans is simple. They really are magnificent. Even God thinks so. Here is what the Creator says of this member of His creation:

HaveĀ  you given the horse strength? Have you clothed his neck with thunder?

Can you frighten him like a locust? His majestic snorting strikes terror.

He paws in the valley, and rejoices in his strength; he gallops into the clash of arms.

He mocks at fear, and is not frightened; nor does he turn back from the sword.

The quiver rattles against him, the glittering spear and javelin.

He devours the distance with fierceness and rage; nor does he come to a halt because the trumpet has sounded.

At the blast of the trumpet he says, ‘Aha!’ He smells the battle from afar, the thunder of captains and shouting.

-Job 39:19-25 (NKJV)

I read this and think, So that’s why I love to see a horse tear down the racetrack or perform an exquisite routine. Because the Lord made this animal amazing.

I love the last four chapters of the book of Job, when the Lord finally speaks and sets everyone straight as to Who has the authority. And why.

There’s no question about God’s authority when you consider His creation.

We can’t make a teensy little thing from absolute nothingness. But God made the stars; the snow; the horse; and (my favorite) Leviathan.

We meet Leviathan in chapter 41, and he’s such a cool creature I can’t help talking about him. He’s a water-monster, who is sometimes assumed to be a crocodile.

Friends, this ain’t no crocodile.

Leviathan laughs at javelins. Iron and bronze? He thinks they’re straw and rotten wood. Dare to harpoon him? You’ll never try such a battle again. He has a mouth full of terrible teeth. His heart is as hard as stone.

“His undersides are like sharp potsherds; he spreads pointed marks in the mire.” This beast has pointed scales all over him, even his undersides. You will recall that crocodiles have smooth bellies.

Ever wondered where the legends of fire-breathing dragons came from? “His sneezes flash forth light… Smoke goes out of his nostrils… His breath kindles coals, and a flame goes out of his mouth.”

The Lord says, “I will not keep silent about his limbs, his mighty power, or his graceful proportions.” The Lord is almost boasting of His Creation–and who has a better right to do so?

Of Leviathan, this awesome creature, God says,

No one is so fierce that he would dare stir him up. Who then is able to stand against Me?

Who has preceded Me, that I should pay him? Everything under heaven is mine.

-Job 41:10-11 (NKJV)

Friends, it is right that we should marvel at the awesome wonders God created in this world. And then bend our hearts to worship, not the creatures, but their infinitely more mighty Creator.

-Miss Darcy

P. S. By the way, I really hope God has Leviathans in heaven. I want to meet one of these creatures! (But not on earth, of course, even if Leviathan hadn’t gone extinct.)